Give yourself the gift of friendship

You don’t need to be alone

Lorrie, my 55-year-old acquaintance, recently spilled her soul to me. 

“Do you know what I miss sorely in my life now?”.

While I was raising my eyebrows, she quickly continued.

“I need more true female companionship. 

Not some fake relationship when you’re afraid of being judged so you put up a mask. 

But, a rich, juicy, and delicious sisterhood.

You know… 

the friendship we have had when we were just innocent little girls.”

While she was speaking, a deep bodily sensation moved through me like a wave.

She was echoing my own desires, too.

Not only mine but of a great deal of women I have been speaking to. 

Most of us deeply yearn to gather in the community and be seen and heard.

Yet most of us don’t do it.

The demands of life, obligations, work, family, and children leave little time or energy to foster deep connections with other women.

Heck, we should consider ourselves lucky if we have one or two bosom friends left when we reach middle age.

But we long for a sacred space.

It would be free of judgment, competition, expectation, pressure, and noise.

A sacred space void of demands from the outside world. A space just for us to go inwards, reconnect, and return home. 

A space to explore our inner worlds in the comfort and privacy of a group.

There has never been a greater need for women to gather together and explore their feminine wisdom.

Do you agree?

